Post by Hazlenut Tree-breeze on Mar 29, 2008 16:08:23 GMT
One of the islands off the southern coast of the Earth Kingdom, Kyoshi Island is an island founded in the South Sea by Avatar Kyoshi to protect her people from invaders. It has a shrine (formerly a temple) dedicated to Kyoshi that contains her relics, including her kimono, metal fans, metal headdress, and her boots. Supposedly, these relics still embody some of Kyoshi's spirit. In the nearby sea, there are Elephant Koi, which serve as the island's main source of commerce, and a giant eel known as the Unagi. The island is known as the home of the Kyoshi Warriors, who fight with metal fans in the same techniques as the island's namesake Avatar, as well as a fighting style that emulates the Waterbender's philosophy of using the opponents' force against them. During the time of Avatar Kyoshi, a warlord known as Chin the Great was enveloping the entire Earth Kingdom in his armies and ruthless dictatorship. Kyoshi managed to keep her people safe from invasion by using a combination of different bending techniques to separate their peninsula from the mainland and form an island. This left a cliff at Chin's feet, where he fell to his death as the rock beneath him collapsed. The village of Chin was founded near the cliff and was known to be very antagonistic towards all reincarnations of the Avatar, believing that they killed their glorious leader. Only recently when Aang, the current Avatar, saves the village from rhino-riding Fire Nation soldiers do they put their qualms aside and reinvent their effigy-burning "Avatar Day" into a more friendly celebration. This day is known as Kyoshi Day on Kyoshi Island and celebrates the day of its founding. Kyoshi Island has managed to stay out of the Fire Nation's war for nearly a century — until Zuko recently attacked it looking for Aang. Nevertheless, the inhabitants of the island have no intention of inviting unwanted attention, and as a result are often hostile towards outsiders, fearing Fire Nation spies. However, inspired by the Avatar Aang's arrival on the island, the citizens have gained new hope and have adopted a more welcoming attitude since then. Additionally, the Kyoshi Island Warriors recently left to join the war effort in hopes of making a difference.